Trademark Disclaimer


Power Lane Designs (PLD) does its best to stay up-to-date with Registered Trademarks. New trademarks are being applied for/registered daily and, because of this, we cannot guarantee that any phrases/images on PLD designs will not be a registered trademark.

Please make it your responsibility to research the USPTO database to make sure your products do not infringe on a registered trademark. By purchasing any design from Power Lane Designs, you agree that you are responsible for your own business and that Power Lane Designs will not be held responsible with regard to trademark infringement(s). Always check the trademark database.

If it is discovered that one of our designs contains a trademark or a trademarked phrase, or we are notified and it is confirmed that one of our designs is a registered trademark or contains a trademarked phrase, we will promptly correct the issue by either:

1) removing trademarked text from our design, or

2) removing the design completely by deleting the listing